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How do I successfully complete the SMS verification for an ICP application?Posted by , Last modified by Marc Füßlein on 01 June 2023 14:26
After you have prepared all documents for the application or the update of an ICP licence and have submitted them via your provider in China, they will be checked for completeness in a first review by the responsible clerk of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). Since September 2020, if all documents have been submitted, an SMS verification needs to be completed. This verification is triggered by the clerk of the MIIT. As part of the SMS verification, both the person responsible for the website and the legal representative receive an SMS with a verification code on their respective Chinese mobile number. As these persons may not speak Chinese and both the SMS and the MIIT website are only available in Chinese, we have prepared a detailed description of the process below to help you successfully complete the SMS verification. The SMS verification ensures that the mobile numbers provided as part of the ICP application for the legal representative and the person responsible for the website are correct, and at the same time no unauthorized party can make adjustments to the ICP license. Which persons receive an SMS as part of the SMS verification depends on the type of ICP application. Generally speaking, the following applies to the different types:
Ultimately, however, the clerk decides which mobile numbers need to be verified. Therefore, there may sometimes be slight deviations from the guidelines. Once the clerk initiates the verification process, the corresponding mobile numbers usually receive an SMS within a few minutes. The SMS is sent throughout China from the official mobile number 12381. This SMS contains a code which is valid for 24 hours. The picture on the right shows such an example of such an SMS. Freely translated, the content reads: [Ministry of Industry and Information Technology] Code for the verification: 373390. Your filing has been submitted, the link for the verification is:, valid for 1 day [ICP recording of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology] ![]() To carry out the SMS verification, simply visit the website of the MIIT. On the right side of their website, you will find a form with three fields, which have to be filled in as follows:
On the right, you can find an example of how to fill in the form. ![]() After submitting the form by clicking the light blue button at the end of the form, you will receive one of the following three responses:
What can I do if I have not received a code by SMS? Normally, the SMS are sent within a few minutes after the clerk starts the verification process. In some cases, it can take one to two hours for the SMS to arrive. If you still haven't received an SMS by then, you can manually request the SMS to be sent out again. To do this, visit the website of the MIIT and switch to the second tab in the form on the right-hand side. The associated form consists of two fields and must be completed as follows:
![]() After submitting the form, the SMS is resent to the specified mobile phone number. Please note, however, that manually requesting the SMS to be sent out again is only possible within 24 hours after the verification process has started. If the 24 hours have passed, you must submit the ICP application again. If you choose the hosting and server solutions of China, we gladly support you both in the SMS verification and the entire process of the ICP application and ICP updates. | |