Not only the special requirements for hosting a website domestically
in China
The cache is built up reactively. As soon as a website visitor needs a
file for the first time, the proxy cache server sends a request to
your web server. The file is then placed in the cache. Subsequent
requests of the same file can then be answered dire...
With a proxy cache server, you can provide access to your website in
China with good performance and still manage your system via your
existing web server in Europe or America; you do not need to operate
and maintain a second web server in China.
In addi...
The use of maps on websites operated in China is subject to several
regulations. Before using a map on their Chinese website, Western
companies should ensure that it does not violate Chinese laws. In the
worst case, this could lead to the website being sh...
Especially for international companies that operate servers, websites
and web applications in China and have partners or branches in China,
the transfer of data from China to other countries plays an enormously
important role. This is why the legal develo...